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2010-01-30 19:04:52

Tél. Hó.

Idézném Martos Gábor mai remekművét:
"Hull a hó, hull a hó, mesebeli álom...
...Reggel óta lapátolok, kurvára utálom!!"

Vojnich a Gellért háta mögött:

Most ilyen a mi házunk:

zajlik a Duna!

Még fölraktam pár képet, akinek ennyi sem elég, a fotók közé!

+ + +

Megnyílt a Vojnich tegnap.
Az egyszerűség kedvéért bővebben Nagy Miklósnál!

+ + +

Salinger történetek:
"There is a marvelous peace in not publishing," J.D. Salinger told The New York Times in 1974. "Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy. I like to write. I love to write. But I write just for myself and my own pleasure."

Stories about a possible Salinger trove have been around for a long time. In 1999, New Hampshire neighbor Jerry Burt said the author had told him years earlier that he had written at least 15 unpublished books kept locked in a safe at his home. A year earlier, author and former Salinger girlfriend Joyce Maynard had written that Salinger used to write daily and had at least two novels stored away.

In 1998, author Joyce Maynard published “At Home in the World,” a memoir detailing her eight-month affair with Salinger in the early 1970s. She portrayed him as controlling, eccentric and sexually dysfunctional.
In 2000, daughter Margaret Salinger’s “Dreamcatcher” portrayed her father as an sour recluse who drank his own urine and spoke in tongues.
Matt Salinger, however, called his sister’s book “gothic tales of our supposed childhood” and their father had been wonderful to him and his grandchildren.

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